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 "Danube River Cruise (Karl)" 

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Budapest, start of the cruise
Hilton, Budapest, Hungary
Executive Lounge, Hilton, Budapest
Executive Lounge, Budapest Hilton
Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, Hungary
My sainted mother
Castle Hill, Budapest, Hungary
Centra Market Hall, Budapest, Hungary
Downtown Budapest, Hungary
Welcome abord the <i>AmaPrima</i>
Leaving Budapest, <i>AmaPrima</i>
Castle Hill, Budapest, Hungary
Buda Castle, Budapest, Hungary
Bye, bye, Budapest
Our first cabin on the <i>AmaPrima</i>
Entering Bratislava, Slovakia
Bratislava, Slovakia
Old Town, Bratislava, Slovakia
The ugly communist-travesty part of town
Old Town, Bratislava
Saint Michael's Gate (Michalská), Bratislava, Slovakia
towel doggy
Vienna, Austria
Dürnstein, Austria
Dürnstein, Wachau Valley, Austria
Dürnstein, Österreich
<i>AmaPrima</i> cruising the Danube just outside Dürnstein, Austria
<i>AmaPrima</i>, Fluvius Danubius, Die Wachau, Austria
Back at'cha
<i>AmaPrima</i> cruising towards Weißenkirchen in der Wachau
Groisbach, Austria, looking across the Danube to the Burgruine Aggstein
Crossing the Danube just outside Melk; Schönbühel an der Donau in the distance
The Abbey at Melk
Shopping in the ugly part of Melk
Nighttime cruising that wasn't quite finished by the daytime, so, woohoo! some morning cruising!
Passau, Germany
Regensburg, Germany
Regensburg, Germany
<i>AmaPrima</i>, Regensburg, Germany